
SodaStream concept board >

It's been a  long time battle for SodaStream trying to get brand awareness in the US: Americans are accustomed to drinking soda from brands such as Coca Cola and Pepsi, while SodaStream, a home soda maker, was not even on their radar. In this draft video board, I presented to SodaStream a new strategy: America is ready for a change. Here is a nation of brave people that have changed the course of history with so many events: the first man to walk on the moon, the feminist revolution, artist like Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol revolutionizing the art scene, athletes Muhammad Ali and Jesse Owens pioneering the sport scene, and so on. The message of this board - Americans are ready for a change - a change is gonna come.

I created this video with absolutely no budget, using Seal's video and clips from YouTube which I've edited on my mac.